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Eruoma Awashish
Nadya Kwandibens

Lieu d’exposition
/ Exhibition place

Centre de commerce mondial de Montréal Rez-de-chaussée / Ground Floor, œuvre / artwork n°4
installation | print


Eruoma Awashish was born in Opitciwan to an Atikamekw father and a Quebecoise mother. This dual heritage is a central theme in her artistic work, not as a duality, but as an encounter. In her community, she learned the Atikamekw language and culture, which she proudly passes on to her daughter. Now a major Indigenous artist, her work is shown throughout Quebec, Canada and even the world. She is a role model for many young Indigenous people. She holds an interdisciplinary bachelor’s degree in art from the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, and expresses herself through painting, installation, performance and video. She has produced a number of murals for various institutions. Several of her works have appeared on the covers of books and magazines. She is also an independent curator. She has contributed to television programs such as Laissez-nous raconter (Let us tell our story). Eruoma Awashish is involved in her community through various board memberships in arts organizations. She is a proud ambassador of her culture.

Approach and works on display


The aestheticism that characterizes her work pays homage to the everyday objects that her grandparents used to make with great attention to beauty. Her works, at times inspired by her dreams, sometimes serves as a conduit between worlds: Quebecois/Indigenous, but also visible/invisible. Her works often feature the circle motif, symbolizing the interconnectedness of all things. She tries to convey through art life in balance and harmony. The installation work Kakike ickote / Feu éternel (Eternal fire) establishes a link between the earth and sky. It portrays the sacred fire within us that we must nurture by connecting with the spirit and animal worlds. The series Kekwan ka wapataman / Que vois-tu? (What do you see?) also evokes this space of connection between worlds, and the ability to see and recognise ourselves in others. Otapi otehi / Racine du cœur (Root of the heart), speaks of a connecting center rooted in the circle and guiding individuals to maintain harmony with all aspects of life.


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