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MAHKU (Movimento dos Artistas Huni Kuin)
They / Ils
Daniel Dinato

Lieu d’exposition
/ Exhibition place

Place de la Cité Internationale Sous-sol / Underground, œuvre / artwork n°10
drawing | painting | print | sound


MAHKU (Movimento dos Artistas Huni Kuin) is a collective of artists and researchers from Huni Kuin, a First Nation from Brazil, dedicated to preserving their ancestral knowledge and lands through contemporary artistic practices.

Founded in 2012, MAHKU inserts its works into the contemporary art market by creating collective murals that are then exhibited either as such or as audiovisual installations. Beyond establishing an Indigenous presence in the art world, this process raises funds that are subsequently reinvested in the community for the purchase of land, food, petrol, clothing and more, while fostering connections with non-Indigenous people. In 2022, the collective’s work was introduced for the first time in Montreal at the exhibition MAHKU: Vende tela, compra terra (MAHKU: Sells fabric, buys land), organized by the SBC galerie d’art contemporain. The collective currently comprises Ibã Huni Kuin, Kássia Borges, Cleiber Bane, Pedro Maná and Acelino Tuin. The featured works here are by Cleiber Bane (1983) and Pedro Maná (1996). Cleiber Bane is the first artist in the collective to translate Huni Meka songs into images. He currently lives in the village of Chico Curumim, where he plays a political and educational role. Pedro Maná is the youngest artist in the collective. He currently lives in the village of Igarapé do Macedo, established with his family using the money from the sale of his works.

Approach and works on display

Vende Tela, Compra Terra (2022)

MAHKU was originally an extension of intergenerational research into huni meka songs led by Ibã Huni Kuin, the founder, researcher and artist, carried out in tandem with his father Tuni Huni Kuin and his son Bane Huni Kuin. In the early 1980s, Ibã Huni Kuin began documenting the songs of his father and uncles, becoming a txana himself. Twenty years later, his son Bane set about transposing these songs into images, employing a technique technique for memorising and visualising their non-linear narrative. Through painting, the MAHKU artists translate the different senses of the huni meka, offering the public a glimpse into the mirações, visions induced by ingesting ayahuasca and listening to the chants.

The acrylic works presented here date from 2023, and are based on six chants/titles:

Ana Muka Paeri, Bane
Hawen Dautibuya Bane
Nahene Wakame Mana
Nai Mapu Yubeka, Mana
Yube Nawa Ainbu, Bane
Yutalsinipatu, Mana


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